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Salts Electrochemistry High Temperature Pyrochemistry Purification of Liquid Metals Carbo-chlorination of Ores |
Design and Construction of High Temperature Furnaces - Design and construction of thermal insulation, power supply and instrumentation. - Selection of refractories and castables for thermal insulation. - Heat transfer and electrical calculations. - Safety calculations (e.g., pressure vessels, flares, combustion). - Health and safety procedures and personel training. • Measurement of Physical Properties of Molten Salts and Ionic Melts - Density and dynamic viscosity of molten chlorides and fluorides. - Surface tension, wetting and contact angle of molten chlorides and fluorides (sessile drop and bubble pressure). - High temperature calorimetry (TGA, DTA, DTC). - Thermodynamic properties from electromotive force measurements (emf). - Electrical conductivity. - Vapor pressure and vapor-liquid equilibrium of molten halides. - Binary phase diagram determination. • Selection of Corrosion Resistant Materials - Refractory metals and their alloys (e.g., Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W). - Precious and noble metals (e.g.,Cu, Ag, Au). - Platinum Group Metals (e.g.,Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt). - Advanced ceramics (e.g., C, SiO2, MgO, CaO, Al2O3, ZrO2, BN, Si3N4). - Corrosion resistant materials and coatings in molten metal fluorides and chlorides. - Corrosion resistant materials and coatings in molten caustic alkali-metals hydroxides (e.g., NaOH, KOH). - Corrosion resistant materials and coatings in molten alkali-metals carbonates and nitrates. - Corrosion resistant materials and coatings in weak and strong mineral acids (e.g., HF, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3). - Corrosion resistant materials and coatings in iodine-hydroiodic mixtures (e.g., HI-I2). - Corrosion resistant materials and coatings in bromine-hydrobromic mixtures (e.g., HBr-Br2). • Electrochemical Measurements - Steady state and transient voltammetry. - Electrical conductivity and transport properties. - Fabrication of reference electrodes (e.g., chloride, fluoride, and oxide melts). - Dissolved oxygen in molten chlorides and fluorides uing an oxygen probe. • Electrorefining and Electrowinning - Refractory metals (e.g., Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta) in molten salt electrolytes. - Inert anode for electrowinning aluminum (e.g., metals and alloys, advanced ceramics, cermets) - Lithium and sodium metal in molten chlorides and molten carbonates. - Electrowinning and refining of niobium and tantalum metal from their oxides. - Tantalum bio-implants by electrodeposition in molten salts. - Metallothermic reduction of reactive and refractory metal oxides (e.g., aluminothermic, calciothermic). • Carbo-chlorination of Titanium and Niobium (Columbium) rich Feedstocks - Design of bench and pilot scale chlorinator (i.e., fluidized bed, feeder, cyclones and settling chambers). - Low temperature carbo-chlorination of titanium oxycarbides (TiOCs) and oxynitrides (TiONs). - Carbo-chlorination of ferroniobium (FeNb) and ferrotantalumniobium (FeTaNb). - Monitoring of phosgene (COCl2) concentrations in off-gases and refractory metal chlorides. - Reduction of carryover by various techniques (e.g., quenching, freeboard expansion, cyclones). • Purification and Handling of Liquid Alkali Metals - Purification of liquid lithium metal and sodium metal from solid inclusions. - Management of lithium and sodium metal fires (Class D). |
Processes Industrial Electrochemistry |
Preparation and Selection of Industrial Electrode Materials - Dimensionally stable anodes (DSA) for oxygen evolution in acidic media (i.e., DSA-O2, DSA-IrO2). - Preparation of mixed metal oxides anodes (MMO). - Service life and failure mode analysis of electrode materials in harsh environments. - Benchmarking of commercial electrode materials (MMO, DSA, Ebonex, Lead anodes). • Selection of Separators and Membranes - Service life and failure mode analysis of ion exchange membrane materials in harsh environments. - Benchmarking of commercial ion exchange membrane materials. • Surface finishing of refractory metals - Chemical and electrolytic polishing of titanium, zirconium, tantalum, niobium and molybdenum. • Scale-up of Electrolyzers - From bench scale [MP-cell (Electrocell AB) and FM01 (ICI Ltd.)] to pre-pilot scale [FM21 (ICI Ltd.)]. - Polymer concrete rectangular cells, and EMEW cells |
and Treatment
of Industrial Wastes and Mining Residues Electrometallurgical Processes Hydrometallurgical Processes Pyrometallurgical Processes |
Value-added Metals
from Industrial Wastes and Mining Resisues - Hydrometallurgical processes for the recovery of vanadium and lithium from spent lithium batteries. - Pyrometallurgical processes for the recovery of vanadium and lithium from spent lithium batteries. - Electrochemical recovery of chlorine from chlorination wastes and hydrochloric acid from spent pickling liquors. - Regeneration of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and recovery of metallic iron from the pregnant leach solutions (PLS) by-produced during the high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of rare earth (REO) ores and concentrates (e.g., bastnaesite, loparite, xenotime, monazite, and lanthanide-rich absorption clays). - Regeneration of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and recovery of metallic iron and manganese from the pregnant leach solutions by-produced during the caustic fusion, sulfate digestion or soda ash roasting followed by pressure acid leaching of niobium-rich ores and concentrates (e.g., pyrochlore, columbite, niobite). - Regeneration of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and recovery of metallic iron and manganese from the pregnant leach solutions by-produced during the the caustic fusion, sulfate digestion or soda ash roasting followed by pressure acid leaching of tantalum-rich ores and concentrates (e.g., tantalite, wodginite, microlite, samarskite, etc). - Regeneration of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and spent etchants from the titanium and steelmaking industries. - Recovery of traces of heavy metals from industrial effluents and acid mine drainage (AMD) by slacking and ion-exchange resins (IX). - Recovery of minor metals (e.g., Cd, Hg, Se, Te, In, Ga) from industrial wastes, mining residues and effluents. - Chemical dissolution and recovery of gold metal from precious metal residues and electronic scrap. - Extraction of heavy rare earths elemens (HREEs) from tantalum and niobium ores and concentrates. |
of Organic Wastes Electrochemical Oxidation Electrocoagulation Electroflocculation |
Destruction of
Agricultural Wastes - Electrochemical oxidation of swine manure. - Electrochemical removal of heavy and toxic metals from wastewaters. - Electrochemical treatment of wastewaters containing organic pollutants. |
Chemistry Radioactivity |
Techniques - Design and construction of scintillating detectors. - Ultra-traces analysis by neutron activation (NAA). - Radioactivity from rare earths concentrates (monazite, bastnaesite, xenotime, and loparite). - NORM and TENORM in the mining, mineral processing and metallurgical industries. - Radiolysis studies. - Polymerization by gamma irradiation. - High doses rate dosimetry (Fricke dosimeter). • Teaching - Nuclear structure and radionuclides. - Radioactivity transformations and reactions. - Radioactive decay (branching and secular equilibrium). - Radiation effects on matter. - Nuclear detectors and measurement techniques. - Neutronics and nuclear power reactors. - Nuclear fuel cycle. |
Chemistry Electroanalytical Chemistry |
• Inorganic Chemistry of
Less Common Elements
and Minor Metals - Chemistry of titanium, zirconium and hafnium (occurrence, preparation, compounds). - Chemistry of vanadium compounds and vanadates (extraction of vanadium by alkaline roasting, inorganic and organic acid leaching, alkaline leaching, digestion, or solvent extraction; stability diagram of vanadium species in acidic and alkaline aqueous solutions according to the total concentration of vanadium, pH and redox conditions) - Chemistry of tantalum and niobium (columbium). - Chemistry of lithium. - Chemistry of selenium and tellurium. • Electroanalytical Techniques - Transient and steady state voltammetry and polarography. - Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). - Potentiometry and conductommetry. • Applications - Electrochemical studies of the speciation of arsenic, cadmium and mercury at trace levels. - Characterization and quality control of hard anodizing coatings (breakdown voltage). |
and Secondary Lithium Batteries |
Metal Polymer Batteries - Metallurgy and purification of battery grade lithium metal ingot. - Processing of ultra thin film and foil of lithium metal. - Design and performances calculations of the electrochemical cell (EC) . - Cycling and data acquisition. - Thermodynamic calculations and evaluation of thermal stability and abuse testing. - Pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical recycling of cell materials. |
Mineralogy and Petrography Mineral Dressing and Beneficiation Geological Exploration and Mining Prospection Applied Mineralogy and Petrography |
• Identification of
Minerals, Ores and Rocks - Transmitted light polarizing microscope and thin sections (minerals, rocks, cements, refractories). - Reflected light microscopy, opaque minerals and ores metallography. - Practical mineral identification techniques and optical crystallography (orthoscopic and conoscopic microscopy) - Mineral dressing (heavy liquids, elutriation, flotation, magnetic separation). - X-ray diffraction (Laue, Debye-Scherrer, Bragg-Brentano). - Pyrognostic and microchemical tests. - Semi-micro inorganic qualitative chemical analysis. • Mineral Dressing Techniques and Ore Beneficiation - Crushing and grinding - Gravity separation (heavy media, jigs, spirals) - Magnetic and Electrostatic Separation - Froth flotation • Geological Exploration and Mining Prospection - Sourcing of strategic metals (lithium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, tungsten and thorium). - Underground (abandonned or active) mine sites visits with team of geologists and mining engineers. - Due Diligence. |
Economics and Project Management |
Project Management. - Plant Auditing and Due Diligence. - Capital Cost (CAPEX) Estimates. - Operating Cost (OPEX) Estimates. - Financial Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis. - Business Plan. - Control Plan. |
and Safety |
Evaluation. - Personel Training. - HAZOP Review. |
Writing, Training and Information Search |
Reference Books. - Patents. - Articles. - Professional Reports. - Comprehensive Bibliographical Survey. - Access to online databases: STN, Chemical Abstracts, CISTI, British Library, National Patent Offices. - On-site courses: Metrology - Materials Selection - Electrochemistry - Radioactivity - Mineralogy. - Scientific and technical translations: English, French, Italian. |