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Materials Handbook. A Concise Desktop Reference

MATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference (Third Edition[top]

Francois CARDARELLI - Materials Handbook Third EditionMATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference.

by Francois CARDARELLI

SPRINGER International Publishing, Cham, London, New York. cxxxii, 2254 pages, 150 black and white figures, 25 illustrations in color (2018) in two volumes

ISBN 978-3-319-38923-3
ISBN 978-3-030-13247-7    Softcover
978-3-319-38925-7    eBook


Library of Congress Cataloging Number:

Canadian Classification Number:
TA404 .8 C37 2018

Dewey Classification Number: 620.11.22

The unique and practical Materials Handbook (third edition) provides quick and easy access to the physical and chemical properties of very many classes of materials. Its coverage has been expanded to include whole new families of materials such as minor metals, ferroalloys, nuclear materials, food, natural oils, fats, resins, and waxes. Many of the existing families - notably the metals, gases, liquids, minerals, rocks, soils, polymers, and fuels - are broadened and refined with new material and up-to-date information. Several of the larger tables of data are expanded and new ones added. Particular emphasis is placed on the properties of common industrial materials in each class. After a chapter introducing some general properties of materials, each of twenty classes of materials receives attention in its own chapter. The health and safety issues connected with the use and handling of industrial materials are included.

Detailed appendices provide additional information on subjects as diverse as astronomical data, crystallography, spectroscopy, thermochemical data, analytical chemistry, corrosion resistance, and economic data for industrial and hazardous materials. Specific further reading sections and a general bibliography round out this comprehensive guide. The index and tabular format of the book makes light work of extracting what the reader needs to know from the wealth of factual information within these covers.

François Cardarelli has spent many years compiling and editing materials data. His professional expertise and experience combine to make this handbook an indispensable reference tool for scientists, chemists, geologists and engineers working in numerous fields ranging from chemical to nuclear engineering. Particular emphasis is placed on the properties of common industrial materials in each class. After a chapter introducing some general properties of materials, materials are classified as follows:

Front Matter and Table of Content (ToC) [PDF file (1.39 MB)] - Properties of Materials.- Ferrous Metals and Their Alloys (Pig iron and steels. - Nickel and nickel alloys. - Cobalt and cobalt alloys. - Manganese and manganese alloys). - Ferroalloys. - Common Nonferrous Metals (Aluminum and aluminum alloys. - Copper and copper alloys. - Zinc and zinc alloys. - Lead and lead alloys - Tin and tin alloys). - Minor Metals (Cadmium. - Mercury. - Gallium. - Indium. - Thallium. - Arsenic. - Antimony. - Bismuth. - Selenium. - Tellurium.) - Less Common Nonferrous Metals (Alkali-metals, Alkaline-earth metals). - Refractory and reactive metals (Titanium and titanium alloys, Zirconium and zirconium alloys, Hafnium and hafnium alloys, Vanadium and vanadium alloys, Niobium and niobium alloys, Tantalum and tantalum alloys, Chromium and chromium alloys, Molybdenum and molybdenum alloys, Tungsten and tungsten alloys, Rhenium and rhenium alloys) - Noble and precious metals (Silver and Gold). - Platinum Group Metals (PGMs, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum). - Rare Earths and Lanthanides. - Actinides (Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium) .- Semiconductors.- Superconductors.- Magnetic Materials.- Insulators and Dielectrics.- Miscellaneous Electrical Materials [PDF file (1.85 MB)]. - Ceramics, Refractories and Glasses.- Polymers and Elastomers.- Minerals, Ores and Gemstones.- Rocks and Meteorites.- Soils and Fertilizers.- Cements, Concrete, Building Stones and Construction Materials.- Timbers and Woods.- Fuels, Propellants and Explosives.- Nuclear Materials. - Composite Materials.- Gases.- Liquids. - Foods, Oils, Resins & Waxes. - Materials Occupational Health & Safety.  - Appendices. - Bibliography. - Index. [PDF file (6.25 MB)];

For more details or purchase see: www.springer.com or or any bookstore near your location such as www.amazon.ca or www.amazon.com or www.amazon.fr or www.amazon.it or www.amazon.es or www.amazon.co.uk or www.amazon.de or www.amazon.co.jp or www.amazon.in

The entire e-book content is also available online through SpringerLink at the following URL:

MATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference. 8 volumes (Chinese Edition) [top]

We are pleased to announce, that on April 2014, Harbin Institute of Technology Press published the Chinese reprint of the Materials Handbook. A Concise Desktop Reference, 2nd. edition.
For practical reasons specific to the Chninese market, the materials handbook was divided into eight (8) separate volumes listed in the table below with the new cover and the equivalence between new volumes in the Chinese reprint and original chapters of the English edition.

Chinese reprint edition cover(s) MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 1 MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 2 MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 3 MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 4
Chinese reprint edition

Vol. 1:  Properties of Materials

Vol. 2:  Common Nonferrous Metals and their Alloys

Vol. 3: Less Common Nonferrous Metals and their Alloys

Vol.4: Semiconductors / Superconductors / Magnetic Materials / Miscellaneous Electrical Materials

Springer English edition Chapters 1 and 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 5 MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 6 MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 7 MATERIALS HANDBOOK - Chinese Edition - Vol. 8
Chinese reprint edition

Vol.5: Ceramics, Refractories, and Glasses / Polymers and Elastomers

Vol.6:  Minerals, Ores and Gemstones / Rocks and Meteorites

Vol. 7: Soils and Fertilizers / Cements, Concrete, Building Stones and Construction Materials / Timbers and Woods / Fuels, Propellants and Explosives / Composite Materials

Vol. 8: Gases / Liquids / Appendices / References

Springer English edition Chapters  10 and 11 Chapters 12 and 13 Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Chapters 19 and 20

MATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference. (Second Edition) [top]

Francois CARDARELLI - Materials Handbook Second EditionMATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference.

by Francois CARDARELLI

SPRINGER, London, New York, Heidelberg, xxxviii, 1340 pages and 55 figures (2008)

ISBN 978-1-846-286-669-0    eBook
ISBN 1-846-286-689            Hardcover (Out-of-Print)

Library of Congress Cataloging Number:
TA.404.8.C37 2008

Canadian Classification Number:
TA.404.8.C37 2008

Dewey Classification Number: 620.11.22

Front and back cover [PDF file (320 KB)]

Dedications and acknowledgements for the first and second edition of the book [PDF file (176 KB)]

The unique and practical second edition of the Materials Handbook provides quick and easy access to data on the physical and chemical properties of all classes of materials. The second edition has been largely expanded to include whole new families of materials while many of the existing families are broadened and refined with new material and up-to-date information. Particular emphasis is placed on the properties of common industrial materials in each class.

* Uniquely thorough presentation of physical and chemical data on materials
* Careful indexing and tabular format make the data quickly accessible
* An essential tool for any practitioner or academic working in materials or in engineering

Detailed appendices provide additional information on subjects as diverse as crystallography, natural radioactivity and economic data for industrial materials. Specific further reading sections and a general bibliography round out this comprehensive guide. The index and tabular format of the book make light work of extracting what the reader needs to know from the wealth of factual information within these covers.

François Cardarelli has spent many years compiling and editing materials data. His professional expertise and experience combine to make this handbook an indispensable reference tool for scientists and engineers working in fields from mechanical, electrical, and chemical to metallurgical and nuclear engineering.

CONTENTS [PDF file (284 KB)]:  Properties of Materials.- Ferrous Metals and Their Alloys (Pig iron and steels. - Nickel and nickel alloys. - Cobalt and cobalt alloys. - Manganese and manganese alloys). - Common Nonferrous Metals (Aluminum and aluminum alloys. - Copper and copper alloys. - Zinc and zinc alloys. - Lead and lead alloys - Tin and tin alloys).- Less Common Nonferrous Metals (Alkali-metals, Alkaline-earth metals). - Refractory and reactive metals (Titanium and titanium alloys, Zirconium and zirconium alloys, Hafnium and hafnium alloys, Vanadium and vanadium alloys, Niobium and niobium alloys, Tantalum and tantalum alloys, Chromium and chromium alloys, Molybdenum and molybdenum alloys, Tungsten and tungsten alloys, Rhenium and rhenium alloys) - Noble and precious metals (Silver and Gold). - Platinum Group Metals (PGMs, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum). - Rare Earths and Lanthanides. - Actinides (Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium) .- Semiconductors.- Superconductors.- Magnetic Materials.- Insulators and Dielectrics.- Miscellaneous Electrical Materials [Sample Chapter PDF file (742 KB)]. - Ceramics, Refractories and Glasses.- Polymers and Elastomers.- Minerals, Ores and Gemstones.- Rocks and Meteorites.- Soils and Fertilizers.- Cements, Concrete, Building Stones and Construction Materials.- Timbers and Woods.- Fuels, Propellants and Explosives.- Composite Materials.- Gases.- Liquids.- Appendices. - Bibliography. - Index [Sample chapter PDF file (3.3 MB)].

For more details or purchase see: www.springer.com or any bookstore near your location such as www.amazon.ca or www.amazon.com or www.amazon.fr or www.amazon.it or www.amazon.es or www.amazon.co.uk or www.amazon.de or www.amazon.co.jp or www.amazon.in

The entire e-book content is also available online through SpringerLink at the following URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-84628-668-1

MATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference. (First Edition) [top]

Francois Cardarelli - Materials Handbook - ISBN 1852331682MATERIALS HANDBOOK. A Concise Desktop Reference.

by Francois CARDARELLI

SPRINGER, London, New York, Heidelberg, ix, 595 pages and 7 figures (2001)

ISBN 978-1-4471-3648-4   eBook
ISBN 1-852-33-168-2        Hardcover (Out-of-Print)

Library of Congress Cataloging No. TA404.8 .C37 2000

This truly unique guide provides easy and rapid access to accurate physical and chemical properties of all classes of materials. These classes include : metals and alloys, semiconductors, industrial ceramics and glasses, polymers and elastomers, minerals and rocks, timbers and woods, and building materials. The index and format enable readers to locate and extract the relevant information quickly and easily.  Detailed appendices provide additional information.

CONTENTS : Introduction - Ferrous Metals
(Pig iron and steel. - Nickel and nickel alloys. - Cobalt and cobalt alloys). - Common Nonferrous Metals (Aluminum and aluminum alloys. - Copper and copper alloys. - Zinc and zinc alloys. - Lead and lead alloys - Tin).  - Less Common Nonferrous Metals (Alkali-metals. - Alkaline-earth metals). - Refractory and reactive metals (Titanium and titanium alloys, Zirconium and zirconium alloys, Hafnium and hafnium alloys, Niobium and niobium alloys, Tantalum and tantalum alloys, Molybdenum and molybdenum alloys, Tungsten and tungsten alloys, Rhenium and rhenium alloys) - Noble and precious metals (silver, gold). - Platinum Group Metals (PGMs, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum). - Rare Earths and Lanthanides. - Actinides (Uranium - Thorium). - Semiconductors (Intrinsic and dopped).- Superconductors. - Magnetic Materials (Hard and Soft).- Insulators and Dielectrics. - Miscellaneous Electrical Materials (Thermocouple materials. - Photocathode materials. - Electrode materials).- Ceramics, Refractories and Glasses.- Polymers (Thermoplastics. - Thermosets. - Elastomers).- Minerals, Ores and Gemstones. - Rocks and Meteorites.- Timber and Woods.- Building and Construction Materials.- Appendices. - Bibliography. - Index.

For more details or purchase see:
or any bookstore near your location such as www.amazon.ca or www.amazon.com or www.amazon.fr or www.amazon.co.uk or www.amazon.de or www.amazon.co.jp

Review Articles and Press Releases [top]

Here is a comprehensive and up-to-date list of critical review articles of the first, second and third edition of the Materials Handbook. A Concise Desktop Reference

2021 - Chemistry: A Reference Guide to Selected Resources in Chemical Engineering Library of Congress (LoC), Washington DC, USA [PDF file (100 KB)]
2020 - Korrosionsnachrichten, March 2020 by Ralph Bässler [PDF file (0.36 MB)]
2019 - Chemical Engineering & Progress, CEP June 2019, 57 [PDF file (1.9 MB)]
2010 - Belgian Physical Society Magazine, Issue 1, 2010 (by
Fernande Grandjean and Gary J. Long)
2009 - IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 25(5)(2009) 45-48 (by J.J. Shea).
2008 - Choice Magazine, 46(2) October 2008 (by A.M. Strauss).

2008 - Journal of Materials (JOM), August 21, 2008 (by George W. Galanes) [Online Review].
2008 - Journal of the American Chemical Society ASAP, 130(33)(2008)11242 [PDF file (12 KB)]
2004 -
Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 53(8)(2004) 893 [PDF file (80 KB)].

2003 - Materials Science and Technology, 19(5)(2003) 676 (by Steve Harmer) [PDF file (1.8 MB)].
2002 - Ultramicroscopy, 90(2-3)(2002)215-239 (by Peter W. Hawkes)
[PDF file (3.2 MB)].
2001 - Chemical Engineering and Progress, October 2001, page 81 (by Andrew W. Sloley)
[PDF file (368 KB)].
2001 - Annales de Chimie Science des Matériaux, 26(5)(2001)94 (by R.P.)
[PDF file (72 KB)].
2001 - Materials and Design, 22(3)(2001)237 (by John Begg)
[PDF file (52 KB)].
2001 - Zeischrift Metallkunde, 92(5)(2001)506-507 (by Ingo Arspshofen)
[PDF file (6.5 MB)].

Libraries Worldwide [top]

A listing of libraries worldwide having at least one copy of the book is provided HERE.
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Copyright © 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 François Cardarelli [last updated: January 3, 2025] materials@francoiscardarelli.ca

Website: http://www.francoiscardarelli.ca All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or mirror this site.

Keywords: maths, physics, mechanics, quantum mechanics, relativity, electricity, electrostatic, electromagnetism, magnetism, thermodynamics, acoustics, optics, chemistry, general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, semi-micro qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, radiochemistry, nuclear chemistry, electrochemistry, spectrochemistry, surface chemistry, industrial chemistry, chemical engineering, electrochemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, thermal engineering, civil engineering, nuclear engineering, materials engineering, materials science, materials data, properties of materials properties, aqueous electrolytes, electrolysis, electrodics, electrode kinetics, corrosion science, electrodeposition, electrowinning, electrorefining, electrocatalysis, electrodes, inert anode, dimensionally stable anodes (DSA®), chlorine evolution, ruthenium dioxide (RuO2), DSA-Cl2, DSA-RuO2, oxygen evolution, iridium dioxide (IrO2), DSA-O2, DSA-IrO2, mixed metal oxides (MMO), activated titanium anodes, oxide coated titanium anodes, lead anodes, lead-silver anodes, lead dioxide (PbO2), spinel electrodes, ferrites, cobaltites, lithium metal, lithium batteries, lithium ion batteries, lithium polymer batteries, fuel cells, molten salts electrolytes, molten slags, liquid metals, titanium metal, titania, titania slag, titanium slag, titanium dioxide (TiO2), titanates, corrosion resistance, ferrous metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Mn), pig iron and steel, cobalt and cobalt alloys, nickel and nickel alloys, manganese, ferroalloys, ferrosilicon, ferrophosphorus, ferrochromium, silico-ferromanganese, ferrovanadium, ferromolybdenum, ferrotungsten, ferrotitanium, common nonferrous metals (Al, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn), aluminium and aluminum alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, copper and copper alloys, zinc and zinc alloys, lead, tin, light metals, less common metals, alkali-metals, alkaline-earth metals, refractory metals (Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Re), titanium and titanium alloys, zirconium and zirconium alloys, hafnium and hafnium alloys, vanadium and vanadium alloys, niobium and niobium alloys, columbium and columbium alloys, tantalum and tantalum alloys, chromium, molybdenum and molybdenum alloys, tungsten and tungsten alloys, wolfram, rhenium and rhenium alloys, reactive metals, noble and precious metals (Ag, Au), silver, gold, platinum group metals (PGMs, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt), ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinum, rare earths, scandium, yttrium, lanthanum (Sc, Y, La), lanthanides, actinides, uranides (Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu) and curides, uranium, thorium, plutonium, heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Hg, In, Tl, Pb, Bi), mercury, cadmium, nonmetals, semimetals, metalloids (Si, Ge, As, Sb, Se, Te), silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, selenium, tellurium, semiconductors, superconductors, advanced ceramics, refractories, glasses, dielectrics, hard and soft magnetics, minerals, ores, rocks, soils, meteorites, metrology, measurements, scientific units, weights and measures, conversion factors, conversion tables, handbooks, equivalences, manuals, guide, système international d'unités, SI, SI derived units, MKSA, Giorgi, metric system, US customary system, American units, US units, international electrical units, IEUS, centimeter-gram-second, CGS, emu and esu, MKpS, meter-ton-second, MTS, foot-pound-second, Stroud's system, FPS, Imperial units, British units, UK units, atomic units, au, ancient systems of units, national systems of units, extractive metallurgy, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, earth's sciences, mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, petrography, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, biology, biochemistry, bio-implants, medecine, stable isotopes, primordial, cosmogenic, artificial, nuclides,  radionuclides, radioactivity, x-rays, alpha, beta, gamma, neutron, radiations, nuclear detectors, scintillation, nuclear fuel cycle, spent nuclear fuel, natural radioactivity.